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UniMORE Orienta


UNIMORE ORIENTA is the orientation activity in which all departments present the courses offered and opportunities for students planning to enroll at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.

The Bachelor's Degree Courses will be presented on February 21, 2024 at 9 a.m. via streaming.
In addition, the University has organized a week (Feb. 26-29) of Departmental Open Days where faculty, teaching coordinators, undergraduate students, and testimonials from the world of work are available to provide any useful information about the courses of study. The Department of Engineering Science and Methods will open its doors on Thursday, Feb. 29 at the Reggio Emilia Technopole, Piazzale Europa 1.  
On Wednesday, March 20 at 4:30 p.m. a presentation of the Master's Degree Courses will be streamed.
At the following link you can find some information, make reservations for the events and view recordings:


I Corsi di Laurea Triennale verranno presentati il 19 febbraio 2025 alle ore 9, in streaming:

  • Ingegneria Gestionale
  • Ingegneria Meccatronica
  • Tecnologie per l'Industria Intelligente

 E' possibile prenotarsi qui.



L'Ateneo organizza una settimana (24-27 febbraio) di Open Day Dipartimentali dove docenti, coordinatori didattici, studentesse e studenti universitari, testimonial del mondo del lavoro sono a disposizione per fornire ogni utile informazione sui corsi di studio. 

Il Dipartimento di Scienze e Metodi dell'Ingegneria aprirà le sue porte giovedì 27 febbraio 2025 presso il Tecnopolo di Reggio Emilia, piazzale Europa 1.  

 E' possibile prenotarsi qui:


Mercoledì 19 marzo 2025 alle ore 16:30 in streaming si terrà la  presentazione dei Corsi di Laurea Magistrale del DISMI:

  • Ingegneria Gestionale
  • Ingegneria Meccatronica
  • Digital Automation Engineering
  • Energy Engineering

 E' possibile prenotarsi qui.

Qui è possibile trovare ulteriori informazioni sui programmi, le prenotazioni e le registrazioni degli eventi.

This page is not available in English


For informations:

Online registration ( allows students, even if not enrolled, to:

- Receive email updates on the start of courses and links needed for attendance.

- Participate in the introductory math courses that will take place in early September.

- Access online materials (video lectures, mock tests) for preparation for OFA remedial tests.

For an informed choice of university path, the Orientazione website is suggested. 

Orientazione contains materials for further study and preparation, such as MOOCs, and other tools for self-assessment and learning.


DISMI (Department of Sciences and Method for Engineering) participates and organizes events in which its courses are presented:

Bachelor's Degree programmes:

Master's Degree Programmes:


PREPARING FOR ENGINEERING - introductory video lectures

Introductory video lectures
Through a series of video lectures on basic subjects, important help is given to students to better prepare for their first classes and OFA remedial tests, the passing of which allows them to fill any additional educational obligations (OFAs) assigned after the TOLC entrance test. Topics covered by the video lectures include: functions, graphs of goniometric, exponential and logarithmic functions, absolute value and equations with absolute values, and make-up tests.



DISMI, in collaboration with the UNIMORE orientation office and high schools, offers high school students the opportunity to do a short internship at the Department's laboratories.
The purposes of the internship are:
- to help the student choose their scholastic and professional future through direct experience of the University world;
- to allow the acquisition of further skills related to the different disciplinary areas of the curriculum and the strengthening of transversal skills.
Depending on the availability of the laboratories and the university structure, internships can take place at different times of the school year and can have variable duration.

Furthermore, the Department offers a series of  thematic seminars aimed at deepening curricular disciplinary contents or introducing topics that will be explored during the university course
For more details, see the page dedicated to the  University Orientation Project (POA - Progetto di Orientamenti di Ateneo).


The Department Guide A.A 2024/2025 is also available.

All the detailed informations useful to students interested in enrolling in DISMI courses is available on the Future Student page


Department Delegate for Study Orientation:  
Dott.ssa Federica Ferraguti
Phone: 0522 52 3531
For informations write to: