The research conducted at DISMI has a strong applicative vocation and has given rise to numerous high-level technological innovations, which boast excellence from both a scientific and an industrial point of view. Spin-offs and Start-ups, i.e. new enterprises founded by people active in the UNIMORE academic environment, have been set up in this context, with the aim of industrially exploiting research results and developing new products and services with high innovative content.
In the last 15 years DISMI has incubated several entrepreneurship initiatives, and there are currently 7 active Spin-offs and Start-ups in which there is at least one proposer belonging to the Department.

Activities: The company's object is the research, development and production of prototypes, innovative products and services with high technological value in the field of engineering.
Departments: Sciences and Method of Engineering - DISMI.
Proponents: Prof. Massimo Milani, Prof. Luca Montorsi.
Year of establishment: 2019

Activities: Innovative tools for Industry 4.0 and industrial robotics.
Department: Engineering Sciences and Methods - DISMI.
Proponent: Prof. Marcello Pellicciari.
Year of establishment: 2019

Activity: Production of innovative radon gas detection devices.
Departments: Information Engineering, Science and Method of Engineering.
Proponents: Prof. Luigi Rovati, Prof. Giovanni Verzellesi.
Year of establishment: 2011

Activity: Development of innovative power electronic converters, in particular designed to optimise the performance of energy conversion systems based on renewable energy sources (photovoltaics, wind power, micro-cogeneration systems).
Department: Sciences and Method for Engineering.
Proponent: Ing. Alberto Bellini.
Year of establishment: 2007

Activity: design, realisation and marketing of embedded systems with wireless technology for the home automation, biomedical, industrial automation and automotive sectors.
Department: Sciences and Method for Engineering.
Proponent: Prof. Paolo Pavan.
Year of establishment: 2004

Activities: development of new interaction systems, consultancy in the field of interaction system usability and promotion of research activities and technology transfer.
Proponent: Prof. Mauro Dell'Amico, Prof. Cesare Fantuzzi.
Department: Sciences and Method for Engineering.
Year of establishment: 2005

Activity: development of engineering applications by wire, which find their natural outlet in the field of mechatronics.
Department: Sciences and Method for Engineering.
Proponent: Prof. Paolo Pavan, Ing. Alessandro Bertacchini.
Year of establishment: 2006