Deputy Director:
Prof.ssa Elena Degoli
Administrative and Managerial Officer:
Dott.ssa Grazia Cattani
For further information regarding the organisation, the Department's processes and the Management System, you can consult the Department Regulations and the Quality Assurance section.

The Department Council includes full and extraordinary professors, associate professors, university researchers, representatives of doctoral students and research assistants, representatives of the technical-administrative staff, representatives of students, representatives of co.co.co.

The Executive Committee:
- Assists the Director with investigative, coordination and decision-making functions within the limits of the delegated authority;
- Works on specific topics assigned from time to time by the Department Council;
- Develops proposals and makes decisions within the limits specified by the Department Council.

The Joint Teaching Staff-Student Committee (in talian: "CPDS" - Commissione Paritetica Docenti-Studenti) is made up of teachers and students in equal numbers, as far as possible representative of all the study courses belonging to the Department.

The Student Representatives are part of the Department Council
I Comitato di Indirizzo e Strategico hanno il compito di concorrere, con uno sguardo esterno e non autoreferenziale, alla valutazione dell’efficacia della attività del Dipartimento rispetto ai bisogni e alle aspettative del contesto in cui opera.