We inform you that from Thursday 5 December 2024 to 28 February 2025 it will be possible to assess all the first semester's teaching by completing an assessment questionnaire available at www.esse3.unimore.it >login > questionnaires > teaching activity assessment questionnaires. On the page you will find a list of the courses to be assessed by clicking on the ‘attending’ or ‘not attending’ button, depending on how you enrolled in the course.
If you do not find the course you wish to evaluate in the list, click on ‘Search for the teaching activity among those offered by your course of study’.
The questionnaire is anonymous, easy to fill in and allows you to indicate the strengths and weaknesses you have encountered in the Department's teaching activity.
Knowing the students' point of view is fundamental in order to know how to improve teaching activities and offer a more adequate service.
We would like to remind you that, once the deadline for completion has expired, it will no longer be possible in any way to complete the questionnaires and that failure to complete them will prevent you from registering for the first semester examination appointments.
We would also like to inform you that the evaluation of teaching is the obligation of all the Departments of the University, therefore students intending to take free-choice examinations in other Departments are required to check the dates set by each Department and to provide the evaluation of their teaching within the established deadlines.